Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wow...I am a horrible blogger!

Well, it has been almost a year since I blogged. Things are very busy here.

The daycare is going well and I am still loving staying home with my girls. I am currently pregnant and due in May. We just found out that we are expecting a boy. We are very excited about that. My husband and I have 2 daughters and 6 nieces, so a boy is going to be a definite change of pace for us.

Please feel free to leave any advice on raising a boy!


Tish said...

look at you ya little blogger!!!! congratulations on your great news! since matthew's our first, i am not sure what is "boy" and what is "matthew!" but i think i play differently with him than i would if i had a girl....and i don't baby him too much. he is defintely go, go, go...not much of a cuddler, so you have to take your lovin' when you can get it! does that sound any different than raising girls???

Tish said...

what??????? you haven't posted since the last time i left a comment??? are you busy raising kids or something?????